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Add Us to Your Email Safe List

Because Spam filters sometimes filter legitimate email, it is highly recommended that you add the OneCoast.com domain name to your Safe Senders list in your email program. This will ensure that you will safely receive our email newsletters and order confirmation emails.


  1. Open the email that you received from OneCoast.com.
  2. Click “more options” in the email header.
  3. Click “add sender to contacts list.”



  1. Open the email that you received from OneCoast.com.
  2. Click “save address” in the toolbar.
  3. Verify the sender’s contact details.
  4. Click “ok.”

*You should also white-list the OneCoast.com domain name (everything behind the @ sign) using the “Safe List” feature under Options -> Mail -> Junk E-Mail Protection.


Outlook 2000 and Higher

  1. Open the email that you received from OneCoast.com.
  2. Click on the Actions menu on the top of your email window.
  3. Choose Junk Email (see illustration below).
  4. Add Senders Domain.... to Safe Senders Listto add OneCoast to your safe sender list.

Or Follow These Steps

  1. Open the email that you received from OneCoast.com.
  2. Right-click the sender’s email address.
  3. Click “Add to Outlook Contacts” in the short-cut menu.
  4. Click “save and close.”



  1. Open the email that you received from OneCoast.com.
  2. Click the “add to address book” to the right, next to sender’s name.
  3. Verify the sender’s contact details.
  4. Click “Add to Address Book.”

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